Newbie epxeriences, skepticism, and questions about AP
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02-05-2011, 11:45 AM
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Oct 2005
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Hi Healer and welcome to the forums. I will answer your questions as I believe according to my experiences and what I've taken from them.
I've read a lot of stuff, That we can interact with the physical world, at the scale of moving a small feather, that we can be seen by someone depending on how close to this plane we are depending on the 'weight' we put in our astral body/vehicle, I personally don't believe this, but to each his/her own.
we can travel in time towards past which takes longer than real time and towards future whic htakes faster than actual elapsed time. Errr.... sounds really subjective. In my experience, you project your consciousness into an energetic environment (nonphysical) and a lot of this information can be driven by your subconscious. So if you have a memory you can access it and relive it, and sometimes it appears that we can see stuff that happened a long time ago. But I don't know if this is just reliving a memory or crossing some sort of timespace loop. The reason is that time and space are functions of physical reality and your projections don't really take place in physical reality.
However, data doesn't take up time or space, and can (theoretically) be accessed by a 'nonlocal' body- so it's possible that a projection to the past is 'true' in that the data is correct. But this is very hard to verify, and can be explained so many ways.... so it's better (in my opinion) to relax and enjoy the process, take on the role of explorer, and maybe you can have verifications.
I ve also read so specific things such as 'you cant go further than 500 years in the past" Now whats true? Once again, that is very specific and subjective- I don't think that going to the past should be 'time/distance' sensitive because you are following a 'timeline' to the past. Now I see a problem for the far future, because if your decisions cause something to happen, then the more further away you're looking at the more variables and branches of spacetime (according to the Many World interpretation, anyway) can happen. So 'jumping forward' in the future, you don't know how probable what you get could be- but an hour or two into the future, seems to me that there would be less probabilities of landing in the wrong timeline.
So, the rules you have quoted sound antiquated, but who knows.
How do we know? About statements like 500 yrs they would only once more subliminally restrain me so it would be better I f I did not hear constraints. Absolutely. Expectation can be a b*tch. So it's better not to have any, except for having the expectation of success.
On the other hand if the more backwards you go the more time it takes, I don't think this is true, but, whatever.
I also read food affects our ability to AP and today read a guy who in 3 years noticed the exact opposite. There are many theories about it, and I think it has to do with the belief structures (and possibly religious rules) of the people that come up with them. A vegetarian monk may believe it's necessary to be 'pure' to do this stuff, but it has to do with his worldview, projected into his practices.
However, it is my belief that eating too much too close to practice time is not a good idea (or being so hungry you are uncomfortable) are not good ideas, because it prevents you from getting in the ideal state for trance induction- which is to get to the point in which your body is going to sleep but your mind is awake- if you want to have a conscious projection.
So for example, the ideal state is comfort but not too much comfort- because you balance the state so that you don't fall asleep, but are comfortable enough that you can drift into a medium trance. And then go from there.
Can we meet in the astral plane? We can (and I have with a couple of people in this forum) but it's not easy, and has happened unplanned. So, it depends on both people.
Cause if so I would gladly made/open a thought/hole in my consciousness for someone, after having agreed about it, to come and pop me out of a dream so I could travel a bit in the real astral plane outside my subliminal dream world. All that is required is permission, (no holes needed, lol) to avoid subconscious barriers, that are natural.
Can anyone hurt me while my consciousness wanders in the astral plane? No. When you project you do not leave your body, you expand your awareness so that you can perceive other realities and yet maintain consciousness of your body. At first you don't perceive it as such because of the 'alienness' of the idea for the conscious mind- but once you master the exit, you do perceive the simultaneous experiences the way they happen- (bilocation) and process the experience. Robert calls this 'consciousness split'. I call it 'bilocation'.
Cause If so I would take back that last hole-thought! I ve also read about a 'protector' or smthg like that we can manifest to watch after our body while we re away - crazy stuff right? I believe the idea of the protector we manifest comes from such a split, also known as astral feedback, and is caused by the dual input of your energy body and your physical body. An energetic effect, nothing more.
Are there places we simply CAN't go? I d like to visit that famous secret military base near mexico, althought it should be well astrally-locked! This is not a simple answer, and it takes explaining the different types of projections, and the limits. More than one post, but if you read more around the forums you can get acquainted with the ideas of RTZ projections, Astral Projections, Mental projections, etc. The AD Pedia is a good source of all these definitions if you want to take a look.
Can we interfere with ppl's memories while theyre dreaming/sleeping We can 'be' there, but think of it as going to the movies. Someone is projecting the movie, and you going there won't change the movie, except that you can be there to be perceived by the other person, and you can see what the other person is projecting. Other than that, I don't believe so.
. One, who would think that all ppl have only well intentions for bringing up such subject, was proposing we could erase other ppl;'s traumatic experiences this way. Of course he was saying we shouldn't go messing up with other ppls thoughts in general. Some people believe that we incarnate to experience. So if someone chooses to have an experience, why would you think you know better than them about what they're supposed to do? That's where the notion of free will comes in.
Are there Rules in general you must respect in Astral palne? Or anyone can act depending on his moral ethics? When we go out of body, or in the astral plane, we are energy beings. So it's all about the nature of the being. A being of 'high standards' will more than likely manifest in an area that is energetically compatible with them, so that it's not about rules, but about what is theirs to do, so to speak. Their drive. I don't know about moral ethics, because such concepts come from physical interaction, and although there is an element of that, it's not really always about that. Plus, sometimes, when you project, you don't think the same way as when you're in the physical. It's hard to describe, unless you experience this.
Can we see ppl who have passed away? Yes.
All of them? Probably not.
Or just those who have left behind for a reason? No one is left behind, everyone progresses at their own speed. And in the nonphysical, time is a whole different thing than in the physical.
I ve read someone saying if we meet such ppl we should help them understand tha tthey re dead When people die in certain circumstances, they may not be aware of being dead, and that's when soul retrievals are appreciated. But this occurs in the nonphysical, and is part of "procedure". Since some beings decide to incarnate even after being "over there" (for whatever reason) they become interested in doing this, and can learn. But probably, they already knew it. It's not as complicated as it sounds.
Can we heal while AP? Some report having done this. I personally haven't done it. However, I don't think this is the same as affecting the physical- it's really a bigger picture thing- if matter comes from energy, the nonphysical becomes the physical, it's one thing to affect someone's energy body and have it manifest physically (in space and time), but another thing is to push a feather with your energy body. I suppose that technically and theoretically it's possible (in a 'big picture' kind of way), but so is walking on water, and I don't know too many people that can do that at present.
Now that would be a motivation to AP! That should actually be a goal for all ppl if its feasible and if the whole story of AP is genuine. It's not a story, it's an experience. No belief necessary. Your belief may shape how you interpret the experience, but that's true of everything else.
Feeewww! I wonder if a single person stopped by to read all these... Well, forgive me but its been around 6 years since I wanted to share these with someone. Think that I wrote half the text twice, from scratch! To be honest, my eyes hurt so I just went to the questions.
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