My Experiences (OOBEs, hypnopomics, etc.)
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02-21-2010, 03:18 AM
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Oct 2005
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For about three days following that first OOBE, I was a wreck. I was walking around like a zombie when this one friend of a friend noticed me and decided to make sure that I got some help. Incidentally, this was a guy who told me he once that he had survived a car accident. Suddenly he had found himself standing outside the car watching the crash. The car had turned into an accordian and he shouldn't have survived it. Anyway, this guy walked me over to one of the local coffee shops and bought me a cup of coffee, which might have been a greater miracle than him surviving that crash, since he was always broke.
I told him what happened, that it was nothing serious - except he thought it was. He thought it looked as if I was in a shock. The conversation suddenly involved another friend of a friend and it became a bit like an intervention. This guy took me to see one of my friends on the back of his bike. Now, this friend of mine was a non-practicing medium and dabbled in healing. I should have been embarrassed about the whole ordeal, but I was in a state of apathy. She told me that there was a "guy" that was following me around, that he looked gray in color, wore a suit, a hat, and a suitcase. She also mentioned that he seemed depressed. She did not get any information out of him though and tried some healing. I felt a little bit better and decided to walk home. On my way home, I stopped at a bridge, and the thought of jumping was very strong. Fortunately, I had a piece of common sense left that dragged me on home.
During one of the days following the OOBE, I drew a self-portrait where my image had a large black hole in the solar plexus area. I became somewhat concerned about this and focused on healing that area. I would say it took years for that big gaping hole in my chest to disappear.
I have a few suspicions about what happened. The grey guy could have been a ghost who was trying to connect to a new body or perhaps it could have been my double that I did not reabsorb after the OOBE. The end result is that I became convinced that having OOBEs was unhealthy and it slowed down my progress significantly.
Since then I NEVER attempted an OOBE while in a dark mood, and I have only had positive experiences from that moment on.
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