Something is holding me back
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11-29-2009, 01:13 AM
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Oct 2005
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Your "visitor" is probably a Chi Tauri (an extraterrestrial race). They are spiritually highly developed and exploiting energy that people emit.
I am having a similar issue with a visitor, however mine is white or grey and always singing for me and wandering around me. Seemingly harmless and claiming that he wants to make me happy as I look sad, that is why he is keep singing. One day I told him that I have no time for this as I have to go to Moon and soon I found myself in a nightmare where he was blackmailing me if I wont let him singing and became more arrogant than before. I was trapped between a train and railaway lines. I could hardly manage myself out of it and then I found myself in a place where large machineries tried to destroy me. Or sometimes I found myself in a "loop city" where I was also trapped, wherever I ried to leave the place I returned where I was.
they are about to get you to emit negative energies (fear, hate, etc) into the astral world that they can use as a life power. These are some kind of spiritual parasites who are about to keep you in negative experiences. The best way to get rid of them if you do some mind work and try to tune yourself onto positive energies (love, beauty, etc) - which is useless for the parasites. Do it in your physical body and apply it in the astral world as well.
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