Weird OBE?
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10-03-2009, 09:42 AM
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Oct 2005
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One comment; well, a few- I've been projecting since I was around 8 or 9, but I didn't start consciously projecting (on purpose) until around '04, and I didn't get any control until I did the MAP program, which is when I started documenting my projections.
It's hard to describe what an inner projection is- it's a projection, not an OBE to the etheric, and it's basically a projection to the astral in which you explore your own inner being. Here are a couple of explanations:
First, in MAP: ... al&f=false
The astral plane is also the inner world of the human soul —an inner dimension. By "skrying" the magician gazes into this invisible world for knowledge. By using "astral projection," the magician enters this world and interacts with angels, elementals, and other beings. When a magician interacts with the elements and spirits, what he or she is actually doing, is working with those parts or archetypes that exist as a part of his or her own mind or psychic make-up. But there is a Hermetic axiom which states "As above, so Below." These archetypal spirits and beings exist within the mind of the magician, just as they exist on a larger scale within the mind of the divine creator of the universe. To see a change in one is to see a change in the other.
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