Extracting my astral arm?
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09-11-2009, 03:37 AM
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Oct 2005
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Extracting my astral arm?
I had an experience of extracting my astral arm last night. When I experienced it, it felt completely real, but when it was over, I started doubting I had imagined things, so I'd like to confirm, if what I think happened could have happend like this. It's probably not much of an experience for a pro-I'm still very much at the beginning...
So, when I went to sleep, after doing some energy work, I thought I'd try, if I could induce the vibrations (I'd managed to do so once before, with an overwhelming result). My body felt heavy, and at times, I didn't feel it. I kept tossing and turning for maybe an hour and kept falling half asleep, then waking up again. In one such half sleep, I became lucid, which started off the vibrations (that's the same method that worked for me the first time). I woke up completely and felt the vibrations. I was too scared to attempt to have a full OBE, so I thought I'd experiment a bit. So
I think
I held my left arm before my face and started moving it to see, if I could extract my astral arm, and, indeed, I saw a white-translucent gel-like mass in the shape of my arm suddenly "lagging behing" my "real" moving arm. I also saw white "fingers" coming out of my fingers, but when I looked at them, they dissolved, almost like smoke. When I say I "looked", I mean with astral sight, because it was dark in the room and I was wearing my sleeping mask. But I got really scared, suddenly (it's all good and well to read about such things, but to experience them is a completely different matter, as I'm sure you know...
), and I turned around in the bed and the vibrations stopped immediately.
But just after all of this happened, I suddenly doubted I could have seen what I saw. I wondered, if you could really extract part of your astral body during the vibrational phase.
That's why I thought I'd ask the pros here, if you think it was real from my discription. Thank you!
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