My first two OBE's!
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09-03-2009, 04:56 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Well, in theory when you first exit there may be feedback, and chances are you are in the etheric, so the feedback may be such that you're trying to perceive with both your energy body and your physical body, causing this 'blindness' or confusion.
Once you get away, the feedback diminishes until you can 'regroup' with your focus completely out, and possibly shift-or phase out into the astral, which is a little more 'removed' from physical reality, or locality.
But when you get back, if you are still in the astral, you can occupy spatially the same 'location' that your body is in and not have the feedback problem- that is, until you downshift into the etheric, or completely phase back into your body, so that there is less confusion than initially.
But of course, this is only theoretic, we don't really know why.
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