Thought shielding & hiding ones presence
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08-24-2009, 03:50 PM
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Thought shielding & hiding ones presence
I read alot of fantasy where there is usually a little girl/boy this is gifted in some kind of magickal sence.
Thought they are only books some often have relevance to reality like Philip Pullman's - His Dark Materials.
I am awhere that it is possible to hide once thoughts. In one books there teacher tought the student that you had to imagine a kind of fog/cloud floating around ones head in order to hide your thoughts and the student had to train for severol days/weeks under the watch of the teacher not to drop her guard untill the 'action' where imprinted on a perminent basis.
In other areas I read that all you need to do to hide your though is to create a psychic shield and program/visualise/tell it to hide your thoughs.
Though this sounds simple enough I have been experiment and find this approach quite difficult if not ineffective.
I'ff come to realise that I can kind of think a thought and just before my body 'broadcast' it I can stop it
; kind of like thinking really quickly and changing the subject or something just before the surroundings(people) can subconsiously react to it.Or thinking it in then back of your mind while occupying the surroundings with another thought/action. I'm not sure i'ff this approach is just describing the above in a different way but I do find that i't requires some effort (mentaly).
On hiding once presence I don't specifly have any experience but I do expect that people do this subconsiously like a thief or a teenager sneeking out at night to get stoned - not to arouse suspicion.
I believe this also has something to do with shielding and controling ones mind (visualisation ect.) in a specific way.
Just wondering ? Any input appreciated!
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