Thought shielding & hiding ones presence
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08-25-2009, 12:35 PM
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Nov 2005
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Detaching emotion from thinking is the obvious solution
My mother is an expert at this (in a very dysfunctional way). Her emotions seem to have absolutely no relationship to her thoughts or words. Mind you, my mother isn't very good at the whole 'thinking' thing to begin with, but when I read that, I suddenly thought of her. She DOES make people say (or think), "What on earth are you THINKING?!"
I'm not actually being flippant. I'm wondering now if this pattern is something she developed as a means of self-protection when she was a kid. A way of disguising her true thoughts and so forth.
The thing is, I did this exact same thing for most of my life, too, having learned it, apparently, from her...
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