So far I've had about 3 ( minor ) OBE experiences, that I can remember, in the last couple of years. I think I posted about the first two in this forum somewhere a while back. Around about a week ago I fell off to sleep one night and a short time later this black tunnel with swirling white [edit: I just got the feeling that maybe there were other colours as well ] stars just appeared all around me and I began to go through this tunnel. I remember feeling somewhat excited with the experience because it was similar to a drawing that someone did relating to this type of experience. I don't know why, but I started to panic because the thought occurred that I could actually be dying. As soon as that thought left my mind I felt a snapping sensation pulling me back and then I woke up. It was over very quickly but it's certainly left me wondering what this actually was. I get the feeling that I was about to have an OBE experience and the tunnel was the exiting effect.