Very intense energy sensations but still no exit
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03-14-2009, 12:35 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I haven't posted in a very long time, but your description of energy body sensations and exit-event sensations bring me back. An actual, controlled, Conscience Exit Projection is very rare. Even to the most trained. (most will never admit this) It is true. Conquering the EXIT it one of the many barriers/snags to OBE. You are DEFINATELY there... Exiting can be like a 'magnetic' pull back to the body. be it an arm or leg. Very strong most of the time. Try the 'roll'out' Method. it works for me cuz its quicker, and requires much less thought than actually trying to force an exit. You have to remember, this is all NATURAL, and you (mee tooo) tend to fight OURSELVES during the actual 'exit'... keep up the good work...
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