Clairaudience or forced telepathy?
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03-03-2009, 01:49 AM
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Oct 2005
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My first question is- does this happen all the time, while waking, or at night?
I don't believe in 'forced telepathy'- it's like saying that if you have a receiver that's turned 'off', you can still receive provided someone else 'sends' strongly enough.
You have to have a working receiver to receive. Then and only then, can someone 'send'- and the stronger sender will be the loudest.
Now, in the case of negs, it's not really telepathy- but it is observable that some people have negs and don't consciously hear them.
So a certain degree of clairaudience is necessary, except when in the liminal state- in that state everyone is clairaudient, if they're paying attention.
Now I am in no way clairvoyant, but when I'm in the right company I can 'see'- which brings me to the next possibility 'attunement'. You can be in a very close synchrony with someone and receive when they send- just because you're 'tuned up' to that other person. It may be physical (as in the case of identical twins) or it may not- but it's just one more possibility.
But if you're hearing this in the liminal state, it's just hypnagogia, which is natural for everyone. As long as they remain aware during the phase.
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