Taking friends flying.
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03-10-2009, 01:02 AM
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Oct 2005
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Taking friends flying.
i'm putting this one in the OBE forum, tho it started out as a semi-lucid dream.(i think!
and sorry but it's a little long..
i was climbing around on Arthur's Seat, a small mountain in the middle of my hometown Edinburgh.
there were man-made caves, small entrances into the side of the mountain, made of wooden structure, covered with slabs of rock.
i was moving around inside, and noticed that the structures weren't exactly stable.
i decided to get out before i got crushed, and had to squeeze out a small space.
when out on the hillside, the rock slabs beneath my feet were unstable, and i was concerned, cos i was sure there were other people further down the hill, and i didn't want to send rocks tumbling down on them.
a few slabs of rock did tumble down, but nobody got hurt.
then i saw that my friend from A'dam Brian was with me, and we walked around the side of the hill.
we came upon my oldest and best friend Mark, who was conducting some sort of scientific experiments with all sorts of equipment on the grass. with him was another guy i know from Scotland, Hamish.
we greeted each other, and they decided to leave the experiments for the day, and we all went down the hill to a house in the surrounding fields, where Hamish was living.
we were sitting around, and he showed us a little "outhouse" he'd built outside.
it had 2 toilets in it, which he told me and Brian to use.
he'd invented a new system which didn't need water to flush.
it used the vacuum created when you "deposited" your "waste" into the containment unit, to flush out the contents.
strangely enough all the parts of these toilets were made of clear plastic or glass.even the doors and walls.
then the 4 of us were sitting on Hamish's bed, i could see out the window the night sky, the moon being almost full.
i had an idea...
somehow i managed to make the 4 of us move out of body, and up thru the roof.
it was like i had control of all of them.
as we appeared above the roof, they were obviously excited, well at least Mark was, the others didn't say anything.
we looked around, and we saw familiar sights.
rising above the trees, we could see the village where Mark had grown up - not far away, he pointed it out to me, and then excitedly mentioned the Ochil Hills in the distance.
i took us up another measure, the trees sinking into darkness below, the clouds a deep purple in the distance.
we turned around and started to fly across the fields, not too quickly, enjoying the feeling.
then i asked Mark, "where should we go now?"
i knew instantly..
we shot straight up... up up until we were above the clouds, the moon on our left lighting the tops of the clouds.
i could feel Mark's excitement, then i said to him,"this is the cool part" and i let us all freefall back downwards...we shot down to the ground, stopping about 6 feet before hitting the ground, then swooped along towards the coast.
i knew where to take them next - the Forth Bridges.
two bridges that span the Forth Estuary, where i grew up.
as we flew over the fields and houses, i saw the motorway that goes from Edinburgh to Queensferry, where the bridges are.
i took us along the road, about 4 metres above it.
a tree branch hit me in the face, but didn't.
it went straight thru my head.
it was at this point that i realized i was OOB and not just in a lucid dream.
we sped along, and road signs above the road were in front of us, i went right thru them, then another tree branch, and e few more road signs. haha, what fun!
we saw the turn off and followed it, then went over land to the bridges.
down the hill to the River, over the rocks round the corner and out over the water... nice that was cool. the dark water calm below us, the bridge looming in the darkness in front of us.
then as we went under the rail bridge, looking to the shore i saw structures that aren't normally there.
old castles, fortifications, looking like they were in ruins.
i explained to Mark that reality fluctuations were common in this state, or they could possibly be from an earlier time.
as i thought this, one of the castles collapsed in on itself.
"hold on!"
i thought, then i reversed time with a thought, and the castle rebuilt itself in front of my "eyes".
then i decided to try something out.
becoming like a giant, the scene looked like a scale model.
i reached out and pulled at a rock formation, making it grow up into a tower.
i grabbed another, shaping the very rocks into long spires.
what fun, creating indeed!
we then continued along the water, under the road bridge, and up again for another run along to top of the clouds.
then, all of a sudden, we 4 were back on the bed, where we'd been sitting before.
i looked at them and asked "did you all experience that?"
Mark looked wild eyed and excited.
Brian said he'd been in a dream, but not where we'd been, Hamish didn't respond.
i woke up and wrote this down.
the next day i called or emailed each of them, asking if they'd seen me in their dreams, or been flying.
Hamish and Brian had no memory of anything.
Mark however laughed when i asked him.
"were you in Kirkliston last night Neil?" (that's the name of the village he's from)
"Yep, and i was with you"
"yeah, i dreamed i was with you last night, and we went to the coast and hung out by the rocks"
he said that i've been with him in his dreams a few times in the past week, and each time we go to the coast, sit on the rocks and discuss the turning of the tide.
he says i've been telling him things about the future.. and i reckon his "tide" could be about a couple of things..
i know his business isn't doing well right now with the financial situation, and he has many concerns about the future...the tide is turning..
maybe it's about whatever i've been telling him, possibly about the shift in consciousness that's happening...
anyway, what a cool experience!
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