AM's Training Journal (MAP Completed) - HALF SUCCESS -
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10-14-2006, 01:41 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Dreams key words
] Lucid dream 6h43 AM.
I am walking with a person on a racetrack. Further a man stops and moves back on twenty meters, in front of another person who seems to time it. In an incredibly fast speed he advances then moves back. I ask a question:
- What is he doing?
- He runs.
This answer appears foolish to me. Run with no car?
Affirmations morning
] I write once and I repeat six time.
BrainWave Generator
] wov! I failed to put asleep.
Relaxation: Whole body
] done.
Breathwork:Valving the breath
] done.
Energy body prestimulation
] done.
Energy raising
] I cannot say I feel something important in my Navel Center.
Stimulate primary centers
] All the centers. I image several balls on my spine. When I bring energy I stay a moment in each centers. Emotion for the Heart Center. Something for my Base Center. All seems good for the Brow Center. When I work I had a ache in my head.
Trance work:Elevator technique
] I was going down more and more. My body lost its sensiblity. I lost three times the trance, but I entered inside again. The noises did not disturb me. I felt a kind of second body. Then my left foot jumps several times without I do not ordering it.
] No.
Here what I extracted from the book of Hugette Pinson. (ISBN 2-85707-675-4) I add these exercises in my training. The exercises will be located by the [
] term.
IV) Sahasrara.
Exercice Sahasrara chakra
Take the position of the lotus.
Sit down on the edge of a large cushion. A foot under a thigh the other above. The knees touch the ground. The spinal column quite right
1.) At the inhale put the thought on the nostrils with color white.
2.) At the exhale put the white color on the spirit zone.
3.) Relaxation State on the spirit zone.
4.) Put the awareness on the spirit zone.
5.) Exhale the white color above to the interior of the skull first, from the spirit zone to the exterior of the skull.
Reading evening
] 'PROJECTIOLOGY' Waldo Vieira.
Raja-Yoga:Relaxation and Attention
], [
Raja-Yoga:Frontal zones
], [
Raja-Yoga:Frontal Pathways
], [
Raja-Yoga:Full Body
], [
], [
] good feeling of the energies around my head, [
], [
], [
], [
Raja-Yoga:Vacant awareness
], [
Raja-Yoga:Energetic breathing
], [
sychic breathing
], [
Raja-Yoga:Ajna chakra
], [
Raja-Yoga:Manipura chakra
], [
Raja-Yoga:Anahata chakra
], [
Raja-Yoga:Sahasrara chakra
Second exercice very powerfull
tinglings on my tongue.
BrainWave Generator
] Week 5: Lucid dreaming done.
Affirmations night
] I write once and I repeat six times.
Energy body stimulation and raising
] When I do 'Energy body bouncing' I had some visions.
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