What convinced you it was not all in your head?
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11-30-2008, 08:11 PM
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Oct 2005
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What convinced you it was not all in your head?
What convinced you that leaving your body was just not all in your head, or are you still debating this with yourself?
From what I´ve seen and experinced with hypnosis and other mind alterating substances that mind is a powerful thing.
You can be believed to experiencing all sorts of fantastical or crazy things.
I´ve had some small success with obe but I can´t say 100% that I believe I leave my body, even though It certainly feels that way.
I´ve read a number of books dealing with OBE and although the descriptions are a joy to read, it could all be unvolentary made up stories from the mind.
What I seek is stories from people that are sharing the obe experience together, or other evidence that suggest we are multi-dimensional.
I want to believe we are more than flesh and bone.
Could you share your experience or post some good links?
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