Visions - Eyes Closed or Open
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11-25-2008, 09:44 AM
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Oct 2005
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Visions - Eyes Closed or Open
Hi everyone, I will apologize in advanced if this has already been covered.
If so, kindly direct me to where I may read a similar post. (Ggrrrrr I feel like im outing myself but here goes.......)
Sometimes when I'm in bed with my eyes closed (not sleeping) I feel a kind of a shift, like an awareness. Then i see, for a lack of a better term, in my head whips of colour.....then it intensifies and becomes bright has lots of movement. At times other colours are introduced. Its really amazing. Anyways, I'm not asleep, or meditating or anything like that. During this experience if i open my eyes the scene doesn't not change.......its the same with my eyes open or closed.
This has occurred when i am happy or i know its is not tied to my emotional state.
Does anyone out there know what I'm talking about? Is this covered in RB's book? (I'm still reading it)
Oh I forgot to mention that at times when my eyes are closed during the experience I can see the the out line of the items in the room. I never focus on it much because the colour is soooooo interesting and its movement grabs my attention.
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