Help!? Body does the opposite
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10-07-2008, 04:38 AM
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Oct 2005
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I cant really be sure whether or not its a bona fide condition as i have not been monitored in a sleep lab, but i know that my wife wakes up at least once a week. I have noticed in the past that it is directly related to stress. When i was young i noticed everytime i had a hard day at school or had a test the following day i would tend to shout or talk alot in my sleep.
I think it would be safe to say that i sleep talk and move in my sleep at least 3-5 nights out of a 7 day week period. I work in a very stressful environment and find that it can get the best of me in my sleep. But thats just a hunch. I know that if i can reach REM which is a Theta/Delta phase i know i can project. So like you were saying i should definitely try some Trance/meditation/Energy conjuring and phasing.
I've read about 4-8 books in the past about OBE's and how to have one. Including Astral Dynamics, i gave the book away to a friend to try a while back and never recieved it back, but i just reordered his book yesterday. I got pretty far in the book, and am familiar with things like using the astral hand to move the chakra energy.
I've also bought an online set of sound tracks that have meditative songs or trance like sounds, even guided hypnosis. I remember once i was lying there in bed and listening to the tracks for the first time to see if i could induce an OBE, when i was suddenly taken surprise when the next song came on. It was this sound that i've never heard before, but when i heard the sound it made my entire body vibrate for a second, then i jolted forward with fear! I scared me, but i think this may have been the closest i've been to getting a vibration from my body.
Im very interested in these tutorials on trance and phasing. Can you provide a direct link, as i am on satellite internet out in the middle of the ocean at the moment and navigating the site is very slow and tedious.
Also as a side note, in the past i've tried to stay as relaxed as possible and meditate by not thinking a single thought, and i've literally sat there for over 2 hours not moving a muscle. The things that begin to happen is i start to get itchy or i fall asleep depending on how tired i am. I really want to try the method in which you wake an hour before waking up then go back to bed and try to project from an already achieved relaxed state, but most the time i fall right back to bed lol.
Any more suggestions? And thanks for the encouraging words, i honestly thought that since i wasnt a normal sleeper that i would never achieve my ultimate dream of leaving my body.
Thanks again,
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