gpucci OBE.. Is what I am having an OBE? Newbie help?
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10-01-2008, 03:47 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I am kind of excited about the one I had tonight..
I was taking another nap on the couch, and I got that weird buzzy feeling in my head, and awoke from my dream into a OBE.
I called out, and yelled and yelled for my roommate. They were in the other room downstairs watching TV. When I didn't hear anyone call back I realized I was in an OBE. I stood there for a moment and gathered my thoughts. This was the first time I was able to control it. I was totally conscious if there is such a thing in my OBE. I usually just think I am awake and start walking for the stairs, or into the other room until I get pulled back. This time I stood there for a moment and called my roommates name. I started walking for the stairs and took a count at each step, because I knew the further I got that I would get pulled back soon. I kept walking, and took a look at the TV show he was watching. It was that "hole in the wall" tv show. I kept walking and then I felt that tugging feeling in my gut and I knew I was going to get pulled back to my body. I braced myself and it wasn't that bad!!! I was expecting it this time so it wasn't so violent.
So while I did not get much further I was able to control it a LOT better than before. Sure enough when I got up I ran downstairs to see what he was watching, and sure enough it was "hole in the wall". I asked if he heard me calling for him, and he said "no". I got totally excited and told him all about it. He still thinks I am crazy but oh well. I am pretty skeptical as a person, and really don't know if what I am having is a dream and just hearing the TV show and putting that as part of my dream, and using that to know what's on TV so that I see it when I OBE.. Not sure.. Anyhow, I will update you on my next one. Should be in about a week or so!
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