future wife projecting to the past?
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09-28-2008, 08:32 PM
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Nov 2005
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I agree . And the lower self , higher self , astral doubles etc any and all aspects of self can travel without our conscious knowledge . We are capable of multi location and do not seem to be able to be aware of more than a few of these . You can practice in trance to see how many selves you can project and watch like so many tv screens .
And your wife may be more capable than you or she suspects .
Robert Bruce says many report seeing his Astral Bob while he is awake and not aware of a projection of self .
The ring of 12 around you seems to me to be your monad or it could have been your group soul .
And the wife could look different because she appeared as she did in an earlier life but with the same energy signature so you recall her .
An earlier life may have included you abandoning her or leaving her in some other way . That connection to your monad would test your intentions in this life . Are you faithful , are you constant ? Will you leave again ?
The acts of non love we commit in one life cause karmic debts and lessons for us to repeat until we learn them well .
We can learn about all forms of partnership and romance with a soul partner through countless lives . In some we are the traitor in others the victim until both of us understand that unconditional love is the only way to be happy and that it sucks to have a broken heart . That pain lasts a long time . I think it is supposed to so we can finally figure it out .
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