Hypnotize yourself to relaxation?
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07-04-2008, 09:09 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
My experience with self-hypnosis...In the '70's I was in my 20's. I liked to travel a lot, and tried to keep in touch with my parents using the technology of the time (pay phone) when I was able. At one point, I hadn't spoken to them for a couple of weeks, and knew they might be worried, or at least concerned that they hadn't heard from me. I found myself a quiet place to lie down, undisturbed. I placed myself in a self-hypnotic state of relaxation, and visualized my mother, and sent her feelings of well-being and peace. The next time I was able to speak to her, she described, in great detail, a "Vision" she had had of me, about the same time, and said she saw my face in such detail she could see the individual hairs of my eyebrows. She then said she had felt the peaceful feeling, and knew I was alright.
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