Strange OBE - lucid night!
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09-17-2008, 12:06 AM
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Oct 2005
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Strange OBE - lucid night!
Hello friendly friends,
this night was a fantastic night! I was in bed dreaming, and suddenly i got completely
lucid, I knew i was in my bed and i felt aware of my sourroundings in my room.
I was very happy about this so i wanted to try to seperate from my body.
I was paralyzed as you normally are (in my experience) when you get completely lucid,
so i was afraid if i "forced" an exit to hard, I might wake!
But anyway I "willed" myself out of the body, trying several things. First i tried to roll over
as it didnt work i tried just to lift my head up. This worked pretty well.
But the thing is that i wasn't having very good vision, so i tried to say "Grant me better vision"
and other such affirmative demands. It worked to a degree but most of the imagery was,
(eventhough it was at my bedroom) not quite like it normally is.
I remember looking out of the window seeing an awesome green tree, which i got pretty in awe over,
i didnt see it at first but only after i demanded better vision a couple of times.
Normally there isn't a tree so it might be some residue from the dream plane?
I was hower 100% concious and i had my reasoning with me, always going over the things i have read
what you needed to do when having an obe.
I got into the body again after a bit, but then suddenly after i exited again the same way as i did firstly.
I had all in all 5 exits after another and each time i praciced with better sight, getting further away from the body
and all such things that I read.
One of the times i tried to get away from the body, i suddenly was another place, but still 100% aware of myself
and my sourroundings. I was given a magazine in my native language and I read through it (tabloid magazine with lots
of scandal stories about known people etc.) I didnt get to remember the distinct articles much but what I did remember was
the date on the front cover of the magazine. I had to be very focused to see the date but i managed after some energy raising and
affirmations, to read the date 1969 from it.
Before entering the body I willed myself to remember this date and the name of the magazine.
Upon entering I thought to myself "I gotta goggle this magazine, so i can maybe see the content again in real life", but somehow
this desire triggered a lucid dream, so in this dream i dreamt i searched for the magazine and the date on google.
When i read the magazine (in the dream) I saw some other images/stories than i did earlier, one in particular caught me.
Was something about a dead girl or lady. Within a few seconds of the article a Grim face with a green fog like aperance exited the magazine
(quite a startle me). Afther this shock i entered my body again (as i was lucid also i know that), and decided to use the fear from the previous shock to get out of body again (I use a lot of fear created energy when i obe from dreamstates) and i managed to exit my body one last time.
I think all in all i was out 5 times in this night, being completely aware every time, but I think i lagged energy cause i had to use a lot of
concentration to see things. I also noticed that i have a hard time remmeber images like in that magazine, but the year i got pretty good.
I was tring to do a verification with real life (the magazine and compare it to real issue of magazine), but it failed cause i was more aware of
the year of the magazine than the name of it. I will remember that next time
Sorry for the wall of text, but i just had to tell about this one, as it is my first time with so many exits in one night.
Take care!
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