Felt an etheric body rise out of me - not my own.
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07-21-2008, 01:26 PM
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Nov 2005
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Felt an etheric body rise out of me - not my own.
I've had numerous experiences with OBEs, however, recently I've been experiencing something quite different. Instead of feeling my own etheric/subtle body rise out of my physical one, when I relax my body before sleep, sometimes I feel someone else's etheric/astral body rise out of me, while my consciousness remains in my physical body. It feels very much like OBE, but the only difference is that my awareness is in my physical body and I observe/feel someone else's ethereal body or energy (whatever it is) rise out of me.
The day before this experience I finished reading James Van Praag's book "Ghosts among us" and one of the things James talked about is spirit possession by earthbound spirits that need to be sent to the white light to cross over. When I felt the energy/etheric body rise out of me, I remembered the aforementioned statement James made in the book and decided to try the approach of guiding whatever earthbound spirit may be around me to the light. I mentally prayed for the spirit to cross over and basically said that they are dead and need to go to the white light where they will be with God and be safe. I kept on repeating this prayer of sorts in my mind, and as I did, I kept feeling one spirit/etheric body gradually rise out of me and detach from me after the felt like there were around 5.
A few times when the energy left my body, I felt it settle next to me, behind my back - it was radiating a lot of warmth and I could feel its form's outline pressed to my back. At one point I felt my body become rigid and my legs become numb and cold...and at other times when the energy would leave me, my limbs felt much lighter and relaxed. I kept feeling my legs bend each time the energy would leave me. This was a very strange and a somewhat frightening experience. I'm a bit wary of going to sleep tonight at the thought of it occuring again. Anyway, I'd love to hear some feedback as to what this may have been, if I need to do something about it, and if any of you experienced anything like this. Thanks a lot.
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