This was intensely scary. Was it an OBE or something else?
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03-30-2007, 08:07 AM
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Oct 2005
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It never fails to amaze me how Tempest always remains so positive.
This thread isn't necessarily dead yet. In the meantime I tried projecting again. I was able to get past the fear enough to do it but not past my usual inability to project period. lol. NO exit technique works. Ropes. Latters, floating, sinking, switching nothING works. Lately i have been using binaural beats to induce a trance state very quickly. I used alpha a few times, and i normal use theta, but last night I tried delta. Yeah, if you're trying to project, that's not a good idea lol. You fall asleep almost instantly (at least i did) and then you sleep very deeply for what feels like HOURS, but then you wake up 45 minutes later damn.
But I have started doing things that I know would normally make me afraid. I fear wooded areas at night. And I fear being by myself for extended periods of time. So the other night I went out into the woods alone, and unarmed. The unarmed part was a big step for me. I sometimes have a sword or a switchblade. Not that either of them would necessarily be of any use in a spirutually dangerous situation. They are just items I have gotten addicted to having with me if I go into an area like that. It's hard to explain but I don't necessarily fear things as much as I fear the fear I will experience upon the arrival of these things. You know what I mean? Anyway.
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