This was intensely scary. Was it an OBE or something else?
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09-09-2008, 10:26 AM
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Oct 2005
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I'm sorry for bumping this thread, but it seems interesting to me, to pinpoint the meaning behind this phenomena.
I have a few ideas.
1) The Dweller could be a negative part of yourself. It reminds me of a part in the Golden Dawn compendium which states that as much as the benevolent sephiroth must be balanced to fulfil your higher self, the mirrored qlippoth of your personality must be cleansed from within you and mirrored underneath you, so that it might serve as a beast to "ride" on instead of a hindrance. It sounds like, once overcome, this dweller is harmless (mostly) and often either disappears or is rendered neutral / positive.
2) It could be another aspect of the astral showing you a lesson you need to learn: NOT to fear. In the actual astral, fear would catapult you to lower realms, where things COULD be potentially dangerous, no? Alternatively, it could just be fed on by negs, or attract them from thoughtforms that aren't as close in the RTZ, where fear could be overcome.
3) The dweller could actually be a neg which is very common, and feeds off of fear much as a succubus leeches sexual energy. As I read about this stuff, I get the sensation of someone behind me watching. I get this whenever I am stimulated fearfully, even if it's something irrational, like thinking about how scary rabies is. It's quite possibly similar to the succubus, but just as weak. The difference is that fear propogates itself, whereas sexual release generally is followed by a lull, so to speak.
Very interesting, to me. I might research it. Hooded figures. Hm. Off the top of my head, symbolic of the unknown. Equated with Death. Sketchy figures. Dubious motives. Characterized by watching you, but you can't see their eyes. A decided silence.
And now, I hit google.
READ THE WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE. It has theories which I find very compelling, from the standpoint of both past lives (LunaBaby) and battles the self must undergo to overcome fear.
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