This was intensely scary. Was it an OBE or something else?
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09-10-2008, 01:18 PM
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Oct 2005
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I apologize in advance if I make any errors in this post. It's 15 minutes after midnight where I am. I didn't have anything to do, so I decided to look for your mentioned dweller post, and also something that you said (also involving a dweller) where you initially fought the thing, but then ended up reasoning with it and it going away.
Uh, so, after three hours I couldn't find anything. I ditched the dreaming forum and used the search function after a bit. Maybe I'm just slow. Or too tired.
But yeah... If you can find a link to that that would be great. For some reason I've been slightly obsessed with this dweller idea for the past few days. Actually, the word "dweller" itself makes me slightly fearful. I suppose that's not a good thing... I can only imagine what I'll feel when or if I actually get the experience.
Um. Sleeping now.
Thanks for the amazing responses, by the way.
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