Hypnagogia to Visions
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09-09-2008, 07:46 AM
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Oct 2005
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Hypnagogia to Visions
So, during a plane flight, I was thinking about how I see the oft-referenced colorful dots, and that they form into images. I've found that this is the purpose of the deep, black surface in scrying, because it amplifies my ability to see these, and also that they come together to form my hypnagogic imagery (even in a calm, waking state).
My specific imagery is pure green sort of smoke rings (but still very opaque, and static-y) closing in on a deep violet (still static-y) background. Or maybe they're purple circles. Anyways, the imagery reacts to me trying to manipulate it, and with extreme concentration I've gotten the rings to reverse direction, like I was moving forward through a tunnel.
During this particular plane ride, I was focusing on one of the rings, and on the spur of the moment, let myself be suddenly drawn into the nonexistent EXACT in between of the green and purple, and the blackness which occurred contained an intense vision, with a fully formed environment and even other people, doing things. It didn't last very long.
I just remembered this (having fallen asleep at some point on that plane and forgotten) and I'd been able to reconstruct that situation, to the same affect. The vision always comes to me, from seemingly nowhere.
Can anyone explain or relate to this?
As a side note, the day where I discovered this was by far my most successful psychokinetic day, in which for no apparent reason my psiwheel started spinning at probably 7 revolutions per second and flew off the pin, in a room with no vents under a stairwell, my mouth totally covered.
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