astral projection...awakeeee?
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08-30-2008, 07:13 AM
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Oct 2005
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Sounds like you did project awake.
Unfortunately I do it all the time, and frankly it's kind of annoying, because I have to be careful not to move or I'll get a mindsplit bilocation thing going. I guess it shows how boring the math class was.
BTW, the more you project the less vibrations you get, so you may be there already.
I don't have much advice, just confirmation.
I suppose if you don't want the mindsplit then do it where it's quiet. But frankly, I get it even when it's quiet.
Not much help, I know. The only thing I have to say is that when you start going to really far-out astral environments then the mindsplit pays off, because you just can do more stuff 'over there'. At least in my experience.
To sum it up for anyone that is reading this:
It seems to me when you start you have to be completely in deep trance, completely paralyzed to project (and you usually have strong symptoms.) And separation can be rough and traumatic. But far-out awesome.
Then, as you progress, the projection happens earlier and earlier in the trance, the symptoms become much smoother, more vivid imagery, and the vibes either happen every once in a while. Then at some point you start experiencing bilocation and other bizarre effects, such as 'bringing the projection to your room' and 'sleeping inside a dream'. This is annoying. This is where you learn the joys of meditation.
Then, as you progress more you start projecting awake and without being paralyzed. This is especially annoying if there are other stimuli in the room (like cats that decide to lick themselves while they're on your lap). This makes the projection especially difficult because you can be navigating in a sea of stars and start worrying you're going to drop the cat. Then she turns into a princess and tells you some important secret of the universe. Then you are jolted awake when she jumps off of you and kicks you in the stomach with her pointy little claws.
This pretty much sums up the way it's been with me for the past 3-4 years.
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