still encountering a weird issue during OBE
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08-13-2008, 07:08 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I hope it was helpful- We're praying (Ok I'm praying) that when the website is finished revamping all the links point to the right places.
To put it simply, when you project you bilocate or multilocate- in other words you are in your body as well as everywhere else. When your brain lets go of the idea that 'you' can only be in one place at the same time, you begin to process the 'being in body' and the 'being out of body' at the same time- something the brain (not the mind) is not used to, and it does weird perceptual things like projecting-in place (my own label) or blind or one-eyed projections- and all other possible things, like projecting and seeing a vision screen and being in bed all at the same time.
So get used to weirdness- as I said before, the rabbit hole runs deep.
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