I do know her name. I believe our main guides work with us exclusively. I’ve never had to get help in leaving my body, but I would think if there is a good reason for you to project, your guide will help you in the areas you are having problems. You could always ask your guide, if there is something that I should know, please show me the answer. I always say to my guide, take me where I need to go. This works well for me because now I project mainly to do healing work.
When I started, I only projected when I felt like I was being guided to. This is what happened one time when I wasn’t guided to project and did anyway. I posted this last year. Maybe I'm a narcissist but it didn't occur to me that my guide would have anything better to do than hang out with me. I have been projecting almost everyday since I started because it gives me a boost of energy. So, last week I had a little break at work and thought I'd use the time to project. I had called my guide, like I always do, and when I got into the astral and saw her, she looked a little perturbed. I definitely got the sense that she was busy. She "said" I could follower her around. As she "walked" away, she shed her human-looking form, like she couldn’t be bothered with it today. So, I followed around this glowing light until I got bored (didn't take very long because I couldn't really tell what she was doing), and reentered my body.