If you can't open your astral eyes during an OBE?
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07-16-2008, 01:44 AM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
A couple nights ago I projected twice, partially and blind.
I was in a liminal state, below dreaming but still barely conscious, and a thought came to me that i should "pull energy down, the way it's supposed to be done (?)" and I simultaneously pulled massive amounts of energy down from high above my crown, and up from deep below my feet, and in an area much wider than my physical body, and it was surprising how much energy came. The first time, I was kicked into one of those blind, falling scenarios, and I seemed to fall for minutes, before partially projecting, but being stuck in my crown and rotating backwards. it was kind of silly, rotating like that, and eventually i ended up back in my body.
i pulled energy again, only this time i didn't get the falling, I popped right out but got stuck in the tip of my thumb, blind again. It was really strange, i was moving at strange angles, rotating about my thumb.
I'm sure I was low on energy, but i wasn't trying to project either. i don't even know where that thought came from.
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