can i choose to not return to body?
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07-09-2008, 11:31 PM
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Oct 2005
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Great topic!
Well I'm sorry if i missed something but isnt time a man made illusion?
Time is the measurement of changes in space. If you believe that man creates reality, then I suppose this is true.
But if you believe that changes in spacetime don't happen if man is not there to measure it, I have to disagree.
I think the problem with modern philosophy is that it presupposes that something that doesn't exist (time isn't an object, it's a measurement) is an illusion, and an illusion has no reality whatsoever- but in reality an illusion is the misinterpretation of something- and that something can be bigger that the illusion. So I'd say time is a phenomenon we hardly understand, and only manmade if you believe you create the universe.
ill be short, i woke once to my alarm and did what most people do,i pressed snooze i had a epic dream that was very vivid not scrappy. if i didn't know better i would have to say it lasted about 3-4 hrs real time? i was waken 2min later only to press snooze again and start where it left off,again the alarm and again snooze.Who knows how long this could have gone on for great fun? but alas i had to get up for work. It has been measured that brain synapses fire at a different rate when confronted with certain type of stressful situations.* So you can actually think faster than normal in the middle of an accident, which accounts for the 'slo-motion' effect (something I've experienced). So yes, time can be experienced differently, but that doesn't mean it's alterable by the human mind. I'm not saying it's not possible, it's just that I haven't seen any case in which this seems to be what happened. Yet.
Since we know time is relative (time stops if mass gets large enough) we know it can be manipulated. However, being able to manipulate time isn't the same as saying that 'time is a manmade illusion'. Close, but not yet, anyway.
So really who knows you might live a life time in one night and not even remember it!! Personally i like my food too much
We can do all that later, life is for the living, you come this far
Kind Regards Martin I believe this actually does happen, but in the bigger picture we do remember it, I think.
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