Interesting thing happened...
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06-18-2008, 08:52 AM
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Oct 2005
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Interesting thing happened...
Hey Everybody! How have you all been?! It's been a while.
Well the past few nights I have been having the most horrible time getting to bed. But some of the coolest dreams. But I'll leave that for the Dream Forum...if I find the time to get to it. lol
So last night, along with the other few previous nights, I was lying in my bed trying to get to sleep. But last night I thought I fell asleep...maybe I did...I don't know, and like it was all black and I came to consciousness I guess, like my eyes opened and I was in my bed. Almost as if I blacked out and came back to consciousness. Yeah, you get it. So I close my eyes, get these crazy vibrations (which were stronger that I've ever felt) and I see an outline of everything in my room I guess. Like everything was outlined in a white fuzzy-ness. Like the white noise on the television. Everything was black save for everything that was outlined in that white noise television color-texture. Idk how to explain it...
So that was just weird. I saw all that the minute I closed my eyes. And the vibrations were all powerful. I was so focused on getting to sleep that I just kind shook it out of me. And that was the end of it.
So...uh...any explanations or incite as to why this all happened?
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