Physical legs lifting up
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05-03-2008, 05:03 PM
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Oct 2005
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Physical legs lifting up
I've been trying to AP for 1½ month for now and been showing good progress. A problem for me is that my physical legs are lifting up instead of letting go.
I'll try to describe it: Last night i tried to practise going into trance. I got the trance but became too tired. So i went to sleep. 2 hours later i woke up and decided to do some more practise. I got into a trance (I followed my breath until everything faded out, i tried to focus on brow-chakra.) I decided to do a technique where i imagine a point in the ceiling where i attach my arms and legs around (Tactile-visualisation). Then i would do a constant pull towards the point. (i imagine it is a ceiling-plate which i can get my hands and feet around (like a monkey hanging on a branch.))
I instantly get the sensation of my astral-body being pressured out towards the point. I can feel my body getting swollen and starting to lift up. Now i can feel my legs lifting up. I ain't doing it by purpose but i really feel as if something is lifting me up. I remained calm focussing on my breath. I can feel my physical legs lifting up from the bed and lifting up the blanket. I can feel my whole body tensing up. I've tried this 3-4 times before and i know that if i push my physical legs down (and relaxing them) then i will go out of the trance and will have to start over.
I stay focussed but after a few minutes i have to let go of my legs. and let them fall down. I go out of trance and i'm almost bathed in sweat. Physically exhausted.
Why won't my legs let go of my astral-body?
I don't believe i have any fears - i just want to get out 10 secs before going back to my body (what could happen?). I've been doing energy-work daily in a month by pulling up energy from my feet to my main-chakras. I've been reading lots about OOBE's and am currently waiting for "MAP", "NEW" and "Astral-dynamics" by Robert Bruce to arrive in the mail-box.
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