Thread: Teleportation
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Old 01-30-2008, 01:15 PM   #11

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ok, so this is what im getting so far - if i travel to the RTZ equivalent of a location, it should look exactly the same as it would to another person traveling to the same destination. so in theory, it should be possible to meet another person projecting to the same place. ive heard of people achieving this, but ive never actually talked to someone thats pulled it off.

I feel that as I am gaining control/wisdom/experience, I will be able to move more freely to the locations where I desire to go. yes i agree with this completely. i, unfortunately, have no patience. i want to move freely now.

when i first started projecting, it was always into my bedroom, and all of the dimensions of the room as well as the furnishings were correct, i observed my body on the bed and my cats curled up next to it. since nothing struck me as out of place, i assumed this to be RTZ. i do suspect that it can be the "actual physical" world at times. during a two week period when i was continuously projecting into RTZ, i kept getting pulled downwards slowly into the earth, but this meant moving from my second floor apartment through the floor to the apartment below me. i retained vision the entire time and saw the layers of wood and other stuff that made up the floor/ceiling between the two apartments, i could actually feel passing through the matter, and then i floated down into the dining room below and heard my neighbors having a conversation while they were watching tv. this is the only time during a projection that i actually felt rude for intruding somewhere, and felt i needed to move on. i ended up moving down into the basement and then into the ground, and that was a little freaky.

where is it we are while in a dream that looks a lot like the physical world, but some things are out of place?! excellent question. id like an answer

what i find interesting is that when ive been in RTZ, it wasnt exactly fun, in fact it was kind of uncomfortable...almost like you need the physical body to make it manageable or something. im guessing this is why people always talk of "raising their vibrations" to get out of it and to a more pleasant zone. so riddle me this, why is it that when i do raise my rate of vibration and get to comfortable level, aberrations take place around me, all of a sudden the inconsistencies with physical reality are introduced, and the environment isnt an exact replica anymore? HMMMM?

and i agree, it seems demanding to be taken to a specific place works reasonably well, but it hasnt been %100 accurate, so i am going to give visualization a shot.

enrisaabsotte is offline


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