I went from lucid dreaming last night to an OBE
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04-01-2008, 01:42 AM
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Oct 2005
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I went from lucid dreaming last night to an OBE
yesterday after work, I didn't think I could get much OBE practice in.. the people in the house was making very loud noises, moving tables, slamming chairs,..etc
I try doing my usual excercises to calm physical/mind... but the noises was just too much. I gave up, and just tried to fall asleep instead. 2 hrs later, I fell asleep. had a very bad dream, a man was kissing me or something. anyway..and then I realised I was dreaming, and immediately said to myself "ok lets turn this into an OBE", I spun around fast.. then dive downwards. I then entered a place full of brown tables, on those tables were candle-shaped wood. about 30ft in front of me was a stairway. I felt almost no gravity, I had to concentrate very hard to keep myself from floating off.. but I was able to walk around. anyway.. I walked toward the stairway. the entire time I was in that room, I felt my physical body calling me back into my body, but I concentrated very hard and was able to remain there for a little bit longer. Ok, so I wanted to look at my hand and see if it would melt like robert bruce had said. so I brought my right hand up, and after about 2 didn't melt like it was under a blowtorch, but it definitely lost it's shape, and turned into some seaweed-like thing, my fingers were just wobbering all over the place. have you ever watched jumanji, and saw how the board sucked alan into the game and how his hands was blurred and stretched? that's almost exactly how mine was.
shortly after watching my hands, I lost concentration and woke up. spent the rest of the night thinking of my experience. man that was cool im gonna do it again tonight and everynight. hopefully I can go somewhere and explore...
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