question about astral sight- is it for real?
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03-01-2008, 01:10 PM
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Oct 2005
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Lately I'm leaning more towards the idea that some of us just have different internal structures. I've just read so many accounts lately from perfectly normal people who have tried some of the techniques over and over, like hitting their head against a brick wall, and not getting results. al.luciddreamer, did you have troubles gaining astral sight? I think I've been spoiled, because up to now everything (lucid dreaming, playing with energy, etc) has been pretty much just what I've been doing since childhood - but I've really hit my head against the astral ceiling. I'm willing to accept that it's something wrong with me, or with what I'm doing, or maybe I just want it so much that I'm trying too would just help to know that others have had problems with this, and yes, astral sight does really exist and it's something I can keep aiming for...
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