Whee, my first conscious projection!
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03-04-2008, 12:33 AM
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Oct 2005
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Whee, my first conscious projection!
It happened in the middle of the night. I woke up and I could hear a man talking. I've been hearing things like that for a while now when I relax. He seemed to be giving some sort of lecture about metaphysics. I think I woke up in the middle of a dreamstate lesson. I concentrated on listening to him and the vibrations built up, mostly around my mouth. Then I buzzed out and I was floating looking at my body on the bed. I did my best not to get too excited and looked around the room.
One of the walls of my bedroom is covered entirely with a mirror, from wall to wall and floor to ceiling. Before I could stop myself, I looked at it, and then everything got weird. There was a sensation of movement and then I was in my parents' old house where I grew up. There were people there I didn't know, talking about how they were being oppressed and trapped, and there were other people outside the house chanting and walking in a large circle around the house. That lasted for about 5 minutes and then I was back in my body.
Not really a very useful experience other than helping me get out next time, but YAY!
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