Exit sensations??
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02-18-2008, 09:28 PM
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Oct 2005
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Exit sensations??
Hi all,
The other day I had a couple of spare hours and decided to mediatate for a while. I lay on the bed and finally managed for the first time, the body asleep, head awake state...YAY!! After a while I noticed that my head space started to feel different (this is very hard to put into words) and I could sort of hear voices and sounds that were in my head and not outside although I couldn't make out any actual words. I also saw a sort of computerised image of a human body walk backwards across my minds eye. Usually when hynogogics like this happen they wake me up with a jolt but because this time I was fully aware rather than half asleep I could rationalise things and go with it.
Then I noticed I felt a little light headed and my body felt like it was starting to buzz. Again I tried to go with it but it just faded away and I then noticed I needed the loo so had to get up. I tried again afterwards and managed to repeat it up until the slight light headiness but no buzzing. My questions is, was this exit sensations? I have once phased out briefly but never experienced actual concious exit so I am not sure if that was what I almost achieved?
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