Exit sensations??
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02-18-2008, 11:33 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
As it was only the first time I have achieved this state I'm no expert, I wasn't even trying to exit, just relax and meditate which I usually find really hard to do as I tend to hold a lot of tension in my body and never fully relax but for some reason this time I managed it. I will give it another try when I get a spare couple of hours of peace and quiet and I'm hoping now I have experienced it I will be able to recapture it.
I have tried the various guided meditaions and hemi-sync stuff and find that they either send me to sleep or make me jump when the voice on the recording starts to talk. It's hard to find one that goes at your pace, I usually feel a bit rushed by them so I also can't relax. But I have found them useful in learning various techniques to try on my own.
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