reliable way to trigger projection reflex from trance?
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02-11-2008, 02:03 PM
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Oct 2005
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If you actually hit the right trance, the body will already will "looser", kinda drifty, floaty. As if only a slight push is needed. Are you really sure this is the state you find?
This requires relaxation on all levels. It is possible to go to a trance and still be mentally tense. In my experience you get many of the trance symptoms and nothing will happen. You sent your body asleep but the mind is still not relaxed and this will block projection attempts.
If projection seems hard when you try to induce it consciously "by the book", but spontaneously it works, even if unreliably, I'd say the problem is in the state of mind you approach the problem with. A tense mind full of expectations may on the surface seem like investing effort, but in reality it is just inducing strain that prevents projection.
Take good care,
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