This got into my head when I was staring out my window. I was just looking nowhere in the sky, when I started to see some very subtle ripples or patterns. For a while I have wondered what these would be. They don't make any sense at all. It's just ripples and sort of textures in the corners of my eye. This could of course be just your eyes behaving in a strange way, or it could be something else. You can recreate this effect by don't shifting your focus or looking away when staring at something. Preferably of one colour, and a bit overlit, such as the sky. It only works for me if you look into a lighter area than the rest. Sometimes in the corners of your eye texture like ripples start to appear, but when you try to look at them they move away. Now I suspect this is nothing special, you are just looking at stuff on your eyeball or something. It's easy to see them when you squeeze your eyes tight shut for a few seconds. Now to the point. Today I was sitting in a chair in the garden. For the first time in weeks the weather was really nice, and I decided to just sit and relax. For no reason at all I closed my eyes half and started looking trough my eye lashes. The sun was shining bright and you get this dust particle effect. Something like this But then in the upper half of my vision. I looked trough it, and suddenly I saw what looked like tens of little moving dots. I can't really describe it, so I made something up in photoshop: (yes i'm really proud of it ) It's mostly to give an impression of the dot like things. The rest is just to give it a bit more volume Sometimes there was whole clouds of them, and they were moving. When I looked away or shifted focus away and back again they were still there. They all had this distinct shape of a light center with a black circle around it. Like rings. They variated only in size, and some came in shapes with lines around them (like it were worms of some kind, with a dot at each joint) At some point I saw they were embedded in sort of a pattern. The hard part is not trying to look at them. Looking at them is like looking at a transparent paper in the middle of the air with something on it. You have to hold your focus somwere in middle air. I encourage anobody to try it for themselves, as it probably sounds really weird and does not make sense until you see it. Now for my question, what are these? Are these little orbs of energy? They were completely in focus and round. No distortions whatsoever. They appeared and kept appearing if I looked trough my overlit eyelashes. The effect is hard to recreate without the sun or a bright lamp overlighting your lashes. But I would really like to hear opinions. This did not looked like a trick of the eyes at all. Just tens of little perfect round orbs shifting trough my field of vision. Is this just a trick of the eyes, or am I turning into a complete wacko, lol . Now bring forth the comments!