What's this, a trick of the eyes or something else?
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02-15-2008, 01:32 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Hey martin
Yeah, that's exactly what i'm talking about.
I'm on that forum and we talk about them quite a bit.
If you want some more information on the vitality globules, you can come on over and ask and get answers from people who can actually see them and distinguish them from the floaters you get in your eyes from improper breathing.
If you like to read, like me, then you can go to google and do a search on CHARLES LEADBEATER and his book, the chakras.
They way i find it is by typing in "leadbeater + the chakras".
The man was a very competent clairvoyant and investigated many things. He wrote an awesome book on how to clear negative influence from places, among other things. Trust me, you are gonna love this book!!! There's so much stuff in there that it's not even funny.
The books can be found at the same website. If you get a chance, read the book titled " Thought power", as it gives detailed instruction on telepathic suggestion and telepathic healing. It freakin awesome. His instructions are easy to follow and with about a month of daily practice, you have the skill forever. Thought power gives you instructions on developing your ability to concentrate, so it's worth a read. I reread my copy every once in a while, just as a refresher.
To get back on subject, read all the articles at the huna blog spot concerning the vitality globules and if you still have more questions, come on over to the huna groups.
May you be in divine breath ( mana, the life force),
The Puck
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