This will probably seem like old news to many of you but I wanted to share an awareness I recently had, and ask some questions about how it all ties in to ones faith.. Historically I have always faced my OBE's with fear as I could not control when they happened. I have been working very hard to overcome this and with great difficulty. The other night as I felt one coming on, I talked myself thru the fear and A wave of peacefulness washed over me that I cannot explain. It was at that moment that I realized my travels would take me higher than I had ever gone before by just letting go of the fear. I feel that my new realization of OBE's has forever changed my views on life and death, religion, and existence. It's hard to put aside ideas taught to you as child, but I feel that in many ways I have progressed far ahead of those I know who are still trapped in old mindsets. It's one thing to have faith in life after death, but quite another thing to be able to say "I know without a shadow of a doubt" Have any of you struggled with your religious beliefs after OBE's?