Black dragonfly/helicopter- EDIT - WAS JUST HELD HOSTAGE -
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02-04-2008, 09:00 PM
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Oct 2005
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I think the thing I saw in the astral was symbolic of him. It makes sense. It's a play on his name.
My friends thirteen year old son had got into some trouble with the law, a drug charge, the kind of thing they slap you on the wrist for, but he was scared and thought he was going to jail for a long time so he ran away from home. I managed to get ahold of him on myspace and was trying to convice him to just go home and turn himself in.
Low and behold he turns up on
door step. He took my phone, told me
"I'm holding you hostage,"
and said he wouldn't let me out of his sight in case I ran or called his mom.
It was very touch and go for several minutes I was really scared. He admitted he was coming down off drugs and implied that he might have a weapon on him, 9 mm in his back pocket.
It became very clear, very shortly, that he has a crush on me. Then he made comments that he was "very mature" for a thirteen year old, and began to speak very flatteringly about how cool he thought I was. I told him anything we did would make me a convicted felon, a child-molester, and he started insisting that no one would know besides us two, and he would never tell.
I kind of knew it was going to go that direction - I mean, anytime a male shows up on a woman's doorstep at night to hold her hostage...but I am kind of in shock because I have known him since he was a little boy. Since he was eight or nine years old.
He asked for food and drink so I gave that to him. He had been sleeping on the streets with no food the whole weekend. Then we talked for hours until I convinced him to call home.
His parents weren't answering the phone! But I saw my chance to get away and offered to go knock on their door and wake them up. I swore I wouldn't tell them where he was or that he had held me hostage. He relented.
I dashed like a mad person, barefoot, to their house banged on their door. I told them to answer the phone b/c their son had been trying to call. Moments later it rang. I tried to stall at their place while he argued with his mom b/c I didn't want to come back home while he was still at my apartment.
Then his father offers to drive me back. I said I would walk, but no, he insisted on driving me directly back to the front f-ing door.
"I don't want you out here walking by yourself at night"
"Yeah, somebody could take me hostage."
I thought of telling him the boy was at my house, but didn't want him to get in trouble. I think I had that stockholms syndrome or something when I had identified with my captor.
So I crept up behind him and he was still on the payphone outside, I slipped in my own front door and locked it behind me. Shortly after he got off the phone with his mom and tried the door. He realized it was locked and gave up. I knew if I let him back in he'd just hold me hostage again, perhaps for days.
I got a call from his mom about a half hour later that he had indeed come back home. I hope this boy gets help because he is really messed up.
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