Why should the physical affect one´s obe experience?
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12-29-2007, 05:23 AM
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Oct 2005
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Why should the physical affect one´s obe experience?
I´ve been reading Buhlmans Journeys beyond the body, and I find his exploring and theory's fascinating.
In his view the human (and animal too) existence and our eartly world we are living in is not the real one, there are many greater planes of existence beyond this one.
If our human self pales in comparison to our other selfs I don´t understand the following:
When we leave our body why are we sometimes low on energy and can´t hardly move, If our astral self is closer to who we really are, why should our
physical bodys affect our obe experience? (had a short obe this morning the made me ponder this thought)
Or is the astral body not high enough on the dimensional plane?
If I were to experience my higher self or even die!!, would these problems related to low energy dissapear, do the human body cloud the experience of experiencing
a higher reality?
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