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12-04-2007, 09:44 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Hi Mystic Sage.
I'm writing this in the morning, so it may be somewhat incoherent, because I mixed possible causes and possible solutions all jumbled into one. I apologize for my jumbled mess of ideas:
When you do energy work, you get used to manipulating your energy awareness, and what happens when you have exit vibrations is that your awareness is shifting from the physical to the non-physical, and you are perceiving all the fun stuff that is happening in your energy body and/or brain. So if you're used to the energy sensations you get when you do the work you learn to manipulate it, instead of it manipulating you. So doing energy work can help speed them up and make them go away, (or slow down and use them as an exit platform) and energy raising (the full-body circuit) can help improve your energy capacity so that you don't feel so tired in the morning.
ps. Something to try: If you're having vibes try sponging on your physical body- this will return the awareness to your physical body and stop exit sensations if you don't want to project. If you do, then locate the vibes and try to sync your energy balls with them, which will slow them down (or speed you up) to use as a projecting tool- 'surfing the wave'.
It's also possible that you are projecting and not remembering it, thus getting drained (projection does drain it some) and feeling exhausted the next day, and are connecting the vibes to the energy low when it's not really connected. Of course this is only my speculation.
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