Was I out of my physical body?
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12-02-2007, 11:56 AM
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Oct 2005
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Was I out of my physical body?
I have had a few obe's and I dont understand why they seem so much like dreams but yet they feel so real?
There was a time when I fell asleep and I got pulled straight up out of my body, slowly at first, then as I climed higher and higher through my roof, past the trees through the clouds, watching the earth get smaller and smaller. The speed at which I was pulled out seemed to increase with great intensity. I felt like I was moving over 3,456,294,994 miles per hour and my stomach felt like it does on a roller coaster ride, then im in this room where everything is white and so crystal clean, even the people are walking around with white gowns. Im in this cathedral type building with all of these huge white columns, like something you would see in a movie about romans.
There are two men sitting, playing some type of board game like checkers, one of the men turns to look at me and laughs, then the other man looks at me too, and he begins to laugh, so I look down and see that im naked, then I begin to laugh, but thats all I can remember about that.
Then there was a time that I was stuck in some kind of blackness I was in my bedroom but I could only see the outine of the furniture.
I had one that was real weird. I got pulled out after I fell asleep (I wake up in my obe's) I got pulled out, I dont know how to control the movement, so I just go along for the ride. I get sat down beside this old abandoned house. The image of the house was as real to me as my own face in the mirror, and I can remember it as clearly as a memory in the physical. I felt a terrible feeling when I was beside that house, I was scared.
I had another one, and this was in the daytime when I had it. All I can remember is going to sleep and becoming conscious, standing in the middle of a two lane highway staring face to face with a beautifull blond headed young lady maybe about 15 or 16 years old.
I started having things like this happen when I first began to train myself to have obe's, but I stopped meditating for a while. I have ADD its real hard for me to make myself concentrate, but im going to start doing it again. My curiosity is too strong for me to stay away. Does anyone have any idea why I was dropped at a house that I dont recognize, and why a young lady would be staring back at me in the middle of a highway. It might have all just been a dream, the part of my mind that tries to make sense out of things, tells me that it was just a dream, but it just seemed so damned real.
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