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11-13-2007, 11:15 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Thank you for this advice its is all very helpful, And every time someone replies, there is something new to learn or be aware of, Which helps me archive my final goal, Conscious projecting.....
My Current body loosing technique is, i first start with being aware of what is at the bottom of my feet and then at the crown of my head. I then start to feel, the areas in between... Once i feel i have a firm grip on those areas, I start the swirl around the room, and i continue that for what feels like 2-4 minutes(I've noticed my sense of 'time' during all this is flawed from the physical worlds time....I also know to expect this feeling, its rather amazing if one were to ask me lol)....And then i can feel me leg and arms sometimes pop out, And i am laying there like a dog on his/her back doing the doggy paddle, Silently smirking inside because it amazing....
I have never tried the whole body 'squiggle'(Or so it is going to be called in my head) method, that you mentioned Beekeeper, Next time this afternoon when i attempt i'll have to give it a go, and see if i can loosen me up more then the normal state i put myself in before i attempt my exit....
AFter reading many "Topics" on this forum board, i notice alot of people make there attempts around 4AM-7AM, Previously I was trying after i had already woken up and started the day, I tended to enjoy attempting during the day time(Less scary/ seemingly more easy and exciting)
Well Last night i woke up at 4AM to take my dog misty outside....Grab a quick yawn, and slowly strolled my way back to my bed......I laid there for about 5 mins before i started to drift off to sleep, I remember feeling my body heat slowly raise, i got this clammy feeling in my whole body, I thought this was rather odd, since i am normally incredibly cold and never hot......And then for the rest of the night(This is going to be hard to explain) I Felt i was sleeping / but i wasn't, Or was i? It felt as if i was in this limbo state where i knew i was sleeping, but i was aware that i was not sleeping, and just aware that my body was sweating, No other thoughts came to mind aside from "Are you sleeping or are you awake" occasionally switching body positions then going right back into that same state a few mins later....I continued to do this for the next 3 hours while sleeping, being in this constant limbo state, or so it felt like, never fully awake but being aware i was sleeping.....
Thinking to myself once i woke up, I related this sensation to the mind split that occurs, Yet i was unable to do anything about it.....
Im so excited,everyday i feel i am getting closer and closer, I will pervail, but like others, I gotta put in the grunt work first sometimes in preparing for the inevitable
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