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11-15-2007, 02:31 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
keep at it... definately keep a journal, there are many advantages in the long run... I haven't experimented with hemi-sync or BWGen, so I wont try to give advise there... but the BWGen is only an optional part of M.A.P. I just skipped over the BWGen part. If you find Roberts approach to OBE on Astral Dynamics appealing enough then M.A.P. is an obvious companion... I noticed a much Calmer thinking process instead of a 'nagging'(Refer to Example) Instead of actually thinking about it, i noticed it and just let it happen, instead of thinking about it... That is fascinating... it is taking me some time to learn to approach meditation/energy work, without using words to think... I find myself fighting/myself... kinda... very hard to get rid of the 'monkey chatter' in my brain... is that what you are talking about???
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