Thread: Advice please!
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Old 11-09-2007, 04:27 AM   #2

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As soon as I get the heart centre active, I hit trouble. Despite reading that it's a symptom of energy movement rather than the physical organ reacting, I have a hard time concentrating past it, and usually lose it at that point. Beaten by my own racing heart. Got to love the irony. The above routine is becoming more and more common.
As you know, this sound is your heart chakra helping to channel energy into producing your astral double. So when you're feeling the sensations, you're practically there- but not there yet. I'll get back to this.

In the past I've been thrown out of my attempt by a sudden, ferociously loud buzzing/copter sound in one ear, and also a couple of brow strobes. The strobes particularly threw me. Two items: The brow strobes could be caused by the overstimulation of your brow chakra. If you are doing energy work (NEW) don't do it in the third eye area when you're close to 'attempt time'. Another thing- "Rope" is a technique that causes forced exteriorization of the energy body, and when you do it, your exit symptoms tend to become more marked. So maybe you need to be sure you are in deep trance before you attempt an exit technique, and even though rope is very effective, it is also very 'strong' for a first-time projector.
Second item (yes, I know it's really the third, if you're keeping score): The sounds you are hearing are completely normal symptoms of trance/exit. They're known either as auditory hypnagogics or astral noise. You could say that they are an accompanying symptom to the vibrations, and (IMO) are caused by the change of focus of your point of view- from outward to inward (away from physical senses), in other words, as a perceptual adjustment.
One thing to note is that most people think of these symptoms as something to either 'overcome' or 'avoid', 'ignore', and I find this to be if not impossible, highly difficult to do. To me they are markers of your readiness to project- if you're having all these symptoms, you're already 'disengaging' from the physical and are gathering 'takeoff' time. So what to do? Don't give up. It is commonly (and mistakenly, IMO) thought that when the vibes/sounds, etc. stop you missed your opportunity, but it's not so. It's good to start getting ready when you're getting them (for example, synchronizing and slowing down your breathing in time with the wavelike vibrations, or starting an exit technique that are (once more) in synch with them. When the vibes stop you don't stop, you assume you are already projected (which you are, btw) and work on exteriorizing yourself.
As to exit technique I use rope occassionally, but I use other techs too, depending on what exit symptoms I am having that evening.
Something else to note: When you become more proficient at this, and start projecting more often, you'll find that all these symptoms taper off and go away, and you have to discover in other ways 'when' is the best time to do it.
So be glad to have them, is all I'm saying.

ps. In projection about the only error is to be afraid. Anything else is a learning experience.
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