When I get out of body, I am not always in the same room..??
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09-24-2007, 02:44 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I have had this experience several times,
. I think I just feel safe in my childhood home, or it's got so many dreams to back it up that it's a common place to project to, lol.
Where it starts to get strange is when (as you mentioned something akin) you feel your "physical body" lying in your old childhood bedroom, and project from THAT body, rather than your current physical body in your adult bedroom. My only thoughts on that is that it's an actual OBE in process but that the largest portion of the consciousness is in a dream environment at the time and interprets it as a part of the dream enviro. I think it's then possible to transition to almost anywhere you want to go, be it a somewhat accurate RTZ reflection of your childhood home, or a dream environment approximation thereof.
Ultimately to me it hasn't been important if I was there in the RTZ or not (the fluctuations suggest not, I've seen snow when it hasn't been winter, etc...but I HAVE had a few details, like hearing voices in the house, that have been verifiable later, e.g. "Were you on the phone with someone at the front of the house, talking quietly around 7am?")... I'm just happy to be having the experiences for the moment.
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